My Favorite Product Resources
Mar 25, 2022

When I’m facing a new problem I like to spend a lot of energy thinking from first principles[1][2] on how to solve the problem. Then I try to create an objective feedback loop to the best of my ability. This allows me to reality check my theories and see where my intuition led me astray.
I used to spend years in this phase. Now I go out and find the “state of the art” or “best practice” books and articles once I feel I can tell apart what’s good from what’s bad. I see it as a way to download someone’s lifetime of experience into my consideration set. (I also have no problem quitting reading after 1-2 chapters if the book turns out to not be relevant though…)
If I can validate what’s in the book in 1-4 weeks of real world usage then I keep it around. If not, I try to forget what I read. Here are some of the materials that in combination with first principles thinking formulate my mental models.
Product Fundamentals
- The Lean Product Playbook
- Inspired
- Continuous Discovery Habits (Summary)
- Design Sprint
- The Lean Startup
- The Startup Owner’s Manual
- Value Proposition Design
- Good Strategy, Bad Strategy (Summary)
- Crossing The Chasm
- Business Model Canvas
- Zero To One
- The Science of Growth
- Product vs. Feature Teams (Follow-on FAQ)
- Product Triad
- Empowered
- Crucial Conversations
- Nonviolent Communication
Change Management
- Tribal Leadership
- Immunity to Change
- Getting To Yes
- High Output Management
- The Hard Thing About Hard Things